Aurora Ecosystem
Children are active protagonists of their growth and development processes as our core value at Aurora Ecosystem.
“We are and we need to be convinced of this – in an ecosystem: Our journey on earth is a journey that we take together with the environment, with nature, with the cosmos; Our organism, our morality, our culture, our feelings are connected to the environment, to the universe, to the world. And therein lies the web of our life”
– Loris Malaguzzi

The image of the child
Every child is seen as resilient, confident and competent. We believe that children can express their own ideas, make independent choices, and are able to play and work well with others. In this concept resides our focus on the children’s autonomy and on the importance, we give to children’s opinions and choices.

The Hundred languages of children
“Children need the freedom to appreciate the infinite resources of their hands, their eyes, and their ears, the resources of forms, materials, sounds and colours. They need the freedom to realize how reason, thought, and imagination can create continuous interweaving of things, and can move and shake the world.”
– Loris Malaguzzi,1996

Environment as a third educator
“Environment should be considered as the third educator. We have to create a “complicity” with the environment in order to be able to scaffold, together, children’s learning processes.”
– C.Fabbi, 2004

Partnership with families
“The ideas and skills that the families bring to school and, even more important, the exchange of ideas between parents and teachers favor the construction of a new way of educating and help teachers to view the participation of families not as threat but as intrinsic element of collegiality and the integration of different wisdoms.”
– Spaggiari

Our community